Well, the cat's finally out of the bag. My mom found my blog.
Apparently she's known about it for quite some time, but didn't mention anything because she didn't want to "stifle my creative process". Really, that was quite considerate of her. If she'd told me she had been reading my comics since Christmas, I dunno that this blog would have quite the same feel to it...
Don't start to think things are gonna change though. I assume since she knows, Dad knows, and if they've been reading this long without disowning me, I'm gonna assume I'm on solid ground.
I love you guys. Thanks for all your support.
On a related note - if you Google "Dan Weiland" - this blog is the first result. I think that puts me above the guy on the Elite Adventure Team in terms of "Dan Weiland World Importance".
Hiring a wedding photographer
6 years ago
Dad said to tell you the lawn needs mowing. :)
Hah, that's pretty funny. Interesting to see what Cartoon Wheezy looks like. Hi Mrs. Wheezy.
I think cartoon wheezy looks pretty good. (winky face)
Well, my mom told me to mow the lawn and two dudes commented on my cartoon good looks.
I think I've found my calling. And it's drawing cartoons of myself while mowing yards.
Maybe that's why Google asked if you were gay...not that there's anything wrong with that. I mean if video games allow it to happen, its gotta be legit...
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