Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Guitar Hero is First Class

I think most people probably know what Guitar Hero is at this point, but just in case - basically it's a rhythm based video game where you pretend you're able to play guitar by clicking along with scrolling notes on a plastic guitar with only five buttons. It's really easier to just show you than it is to explain - so here is a video of a kid who is way better than I am.

Yeah. He's much better than me. And yes - everybody makes that silly face with their mouth hanging open pretty much the entire duration of a given song.

Well it's one thing to make that face in the privacy of your own home, but with the recent release of Guitar Hero III they've announced that it will also be available on PCs and Macs (not to mention the portable DS).

Well since a PC and Mac port means I can play Guitar Hero pretty much wherever and whenever I want, I think air plane trips are going to be a lot more enjoyable. Well, for me at least.

(Click to Enlarge)

I figure it's only a matter of time until the FAA steps in.


Anonymous said...

Haha. That little kid in front of you looks stoned.

Royalcow said...

You played GH3 yet? It's really pretty freakin' sweet. One of Megan's friends tested the PC version. I just don't see how it is going to work with the DS though.

Double M said...

How come the kid and his parent/guardian/kidnapper don't have color?

Are they a new breed of chameleon-like super-human? If they are...God help us all.

D Wheezy said...

I could lie and say it was an artistic decision meant to keep the eye on the main action of the next row of passengers - but really it's just cuz I'm lazy.

Ross said...

Still looks better than kids on planes. The only thing worse than kids on planes is having to listen to their parents baby talk to them for 3 hours. "Here goes the plane up UP UP!!!!" "Honey, can you see the angels in the clouds?" "Wheee we're going for a plane ride!!!"


I guess snakes on a plane would be worse, if they were poisonous and driven mad by a smell and trying to kill everyone.

Shabutie said...

Don't hate me...

Katie said...

Wheezy, the girl sitting next to you is dressed pretty slutty, I don't know if they would have let her stay on the plane...