Since I've move to Florida, there's been an interesting variety of wildlife in the residential areas that I've never had to deal with before. Of course when you think of Florida you think of alligators, and they do occasionally come near homes and golf courses around here. I luckily haven't had any encounters with the scary beasts.
What I have encountered, however, are plenty of anole lizards. (Not anal lizards. I'm looking at you Ben). Big ones, small ones, ones that climb on rocks... just tons of the buggers. When I walk from my front door to my car I literally see five to ten anole lizards dart for the bushes. For the prices they go for in pet stores ($5 usually), I should be able to pay for school with a little effort.
When my roommate Donny told me about a giant spider he'd found in his room, I thought maybe I could just dump a couple lizards in there to take care of the problem. It occurred to me that somebody may have taken this approach in the past, and I'm worried that course of action could escalate a little too quickly.
Hiring a wedding photographer
7 years ago
Few things about today's post:
- I thought you were gonna work this in when I saw the title. If you ever wanted to hear Bea Arthur say "weiner" and talk about anole sex this is your chance.
- Good Joakim Noah video. He's an ugly SOB.
- I hated the "Swallowed A Fly" song as a kid. Always creeped me out.
I noticed an increase in hits from Europe over the last week or so. I think it might be because I'm the third hit on if you search "Spidey-Sense"
BFF! haha :)
Hi Europeans! Welcome to my blog. Hope you like it.
anal lizards? i didnt know lizards could have OCD.
Touche Ben.
I looked at the web at first and was wonderring what 'BFFst' was supposed to mean. Then I figured it out. Glad I got a day in the city to catch up on the internets
Glad you make my blog a priority, even when traveling the world, Ross.
You're my BFF.
Here's another hit from Europe (Gutentag! Got NI to ship me out here for a while). Great strip--You should get that Hannibal problem checked out.
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